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I'm not really into Pokémon and Harry Potter or Orlando Bloom anymore (tho dont get me wrong I still think he's ....seshy(THAT STILL STANDS FOR SESSHOUMARU, AIMI!)...

Lots of things are still under construction so try to ignore all the stuff about Harry Potter and Pokémon and stuff like that hehe... I'm a-workin on it...

So instead I think I'll personlize it to some other things I like but bear with me...BYEZ!

If you have anything you think is interesting, please send it to:


Welcome HP and Pokémon fans! Find out what Pokémon you are, take a HP quiz, or look at some cool links!

I'm Leah, and of course, I'm a Pokémon and HP fan.

Here are some of my favorites:

Favorite Pokémon: Celebi, Sneasel, and Jirachi
Favorite HP Character(s): Fred and George
Favorite Magical Creature: Hippogriff and Smegól (not that you can exactly call him a magical creature but you know what I mean)
Bishie: Balmung, yo! (from .hack//SIGN). I call him Gu-tan though. Pet name. But he is OURS (Colleen and mine) and you may NOT claim him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p
My Codename: ~THE GRAND HIPPO~
Fave Dog: Bearded Collie
Fave Cat: Ragdoll
Fave Animal(s): Sharks and Dogs
Fave Movie: "Lion King" and "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King". They're tied. I just CANNOT figure out which one I like best!!
Fave Book: #1 is "Ella Enchanted, but after that it's: "Peppermints in the Parlor"; "King of the Wind";
"Narnia Chronicles: The Magician's Nephew"; and "Harry
Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban"
Pokémon Pesonality: Celebi
Pokémon Type: Electric and Flying
House: Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff
Fave Famous Person right now: Ashlee Simpson *entire American population looks evily at this oddball* WHAT???? I CAN'T HELP IT!!! (but if my boyfriend were to write me a song and not play it my I might be a little mad but...um...shutting up now...)
Very Best Friend: AIMI!!!!! ^_^ NI!
Other best friends: Casey W. (course that stands for *2* people, doesn't it?), Cat, Rachel, Colleen, Dex,Courtney C., Chelsea, Kami, and *Jessi*!!!!!!
Favorite Website: ma home...em...er...scratch that, PALACE, legolas.com

I have been VERYVERYVERY busy lately, so this may be updated very rarely.
If you wish to find me, the most likely place I'll be is www.legolas.com .
I am *sweet_dreams* there.

If you have any comments or questions, please send them to me at:
Please put the subject as "Comment" or as "Question" or I
will delete it.